Thursday, April 25, 2013

Freebase Badminton Society = Article 2

For the empire of the Ages, we seek the light that lives in the darkness. True understanding only comes from the light that is hidden in the darkness. We will fight you in the streets, we will fight you on the rooftops, and we will fight you in the depths of Hell. There is nowhere that you can hide and we will not find you. We are the inheritors of the all-seeing eye. You cannot escape us.  Never surrender! Expect no mercy!

They stepped up to the door and knocked one by one. Each member of the Freebase Badminton Society reciting a prayer, a mantra, a magical incantation that would allow them entry into the chamber. Why they wanted to enter, I didn’t know. But, they did, and they preceded one after another saying:
Gentleman Usher, to whom were given the keys to the abysmal plane, pray for us.
Gentleman Usher, so ardent for the glory of the great master, pray for us.
Gentleman Usher, whose heart was pierced by one look from King Therion, pray for us.
Gentleman Usher, who ceased not to grieve for having denied the Great Master, pray for us.
Gentleman Usher, whose cheeks were furrowed by a stream of tears, pray for us.
Gentleman Usher, who cried out, Great Master, thou knowest that I love thee, pray for us.
Gentleman Usher, bound in chains for the Great Master, pray for us.
Gentleman Usher, delivered from prison by Prince Nergal, pray for us.
Gentleman Usher, who rejoiced to suffer for the Freebase Badminton Society, pray for us.

These were the lowliest members of the Freemason Badminton Society. Their prayer to the Gentleman Usher had to be perfect. If they stumbled in any way, they were told to piss off and they were not allowed inside the chamber. They were sent home to practice.
“I am pure of heart and desire to wear the noble amour of obedience.  I will defend all that is holy from the corruption of evil. We thank you Chronozon, we thank you in silence. I touch my heart and praise the Great Master, Therion the King, the slayer of the Society’s enemies. His racket is mighty and the birdie shivers in fear."

The member of the Freebase Badminton Society practices the arts of death because he wants to be a good assassin in service to the chamber of the abysmal plane. He is a foot soldier for the abysmal plane. He is obedient unto death if necessary. He loves the Great Master and shows his love by killing the worshipers of the great lie. The worshipers of the great lie are the enemies of the Freebase Badminton Society. The great lie is that god came to earth to die for the sins of the world.

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